CSCE 476/876, Spring 2004, Glossary 11

Assigned:  Wed, April 21, 2004.
Due:  Monday April 26, 2004.
Note: Glossaries are optional but help you improve your grade. For word definition, do not limit yourself to AIMA. Check the reference books in the library and on-line resources.
  1. Arity (of a relation or a function)
  2. Assertion
  3. Axiom
  4. Binding list
  5. Compositionality
  6. Constant symbol
  7. Definite clause
  8. Definition
  9. Domain (of a model)
  10. Extended interpretation
  11. First-Order Logic
  12. Function
  13. Ground term
  14. Higher-Order Logic
  15. Intended interpretation
  16. Interpretation
  17. Predicate symbol
  18. Property
  19. Relation
  20. Substitution
  21. Term
  22. Theorem

Berthe Y. Choueiry