CSCE 361 Spring 2011
Software Engineering

Home | Course Syllabus | Class News and Announcements

Course Goals:

This course is an introduction to software engineering. Students will gain the knowledge and skills required for the disciplined development of large software projects. Students in this course will participate in a large team project.

Course Textbooks:

  1. Carlo Ghezzi, Mehdi Jazayeri, Dino Mandrioli. Fundamentals of Software Engineering, Prentice Hall, 2nd Edition, 2002, ISBN: 0133056996.

  2. Frederick P. Brooks. The Mythical Man-Month: Essays on Software Engineering , Addison-Wesley Professional, 1995, ISBN: 0201835959.

Topics to be Covered:

(This syllabus will be updated and expanded as the semester progresses.)

Course Pre-Requisite:

CSCE 310

Course Expectations:

Course Policies:

The grading for the class will be as follows:

Grade Assignments are made based on the following:
A: 93-100 A-: 90-92  
B+: 87-89 B: 83-86 B-: 80-82
C+: 77-79 C: 73-76 C-: 70-72
D+: 67-69 D: 63-66 D-: 60-62 F: 0-59

*See UNL 15th week policies for more information

Some Important University Dates for 2011 (see UNL Calendar for a complete and official listing):